The people helped by B2B Life Ministries have all been affected by several circumstances. Many have complex support needs due to mental health issues, drug or alcohol misuse, the impact of years of being a victim of domestic abuse and a history of offending behavior, more so in the refugee camps. Whilst some may have worked in the past and a few may be in employment when they come to us for help, the vast majority are not only long-term unemployed, they lack the education, training, confidence and experience to effect positive change in their lives without considerable support. This then becomes a barrier to them regaining control of their lives and achieving their potential as they struggle to make informed and positive life choices and escape the cycle of being situational victims. The (real and perceived) social exclusion and isolation they experience make it difficult for them to access existing opportunities. This project will build on existing work to act as a bridge between them and what is available. It will be based on a holistic approach and intensive working with each person to develop a tailored pathway plan that is based on their needs, supplemented with additional support (literacy, numeracy, communication skills) as required to help them become more confident in themselves, and better equipped to access other opportunities. This requires a good number of counsellors to guide such people, interpreters to translate for them, regular pastoral programs and crusades if possible. All these I believe are soul healing and can effectively deal with their psychology, emotions and physical awareness.
We request you keep donating because this plan demands us more than expected; a well-constructed building is crucial which requires $5000 USD and monetary support to facilitate all the above programs requiring $2000 USD. For we are currently having 40 little kids also attending to several schools in boarding section at lowered fees this requires us $2163 USD termly which takes three months.